
The start of the year is an ideal time to plan and schedule your training initiatives for 2023 but before you do so, it’s worth considering the following 5 key questions:

  1. Do you actually need ‘formal’ training?

Great training can be a vital development tool, but it isn’t the only option – are there any other, more effective ways that you can upskill your teams – Mentoring, coaching shadowing, or job sharing can also help if appropriate.

  1. What exactly do you want your people to be doing differently once they have been trained?

Be specific and make sure that any training addresses them fully.  If it doesn’t, then don’t do it or refine the content accordingly.

  1. What delivery format will work best?

There are lots of options out there – face to face, virtual, blended etc but make sure you choose an option that fits with the participants’ schedules and provides the most appropriate levels of contact.  Get it right and engagement levels with soar.

  1. How will you measure the training?

It’s vital that you know whether the training has been successful, so do please consider how you (or your chosen provider) plan on measuring the impact of the training.   Don’t overcomplicate it but look to identify clear, tangible changes in behaviour and results.

  1. How will you prolong the impact of the training?

No matter how good the initial training is, without proper support its impact will wane.  It’s vital therefore that you challenge the participants to demonstrate how they have implemented the training on a regular basis and provide them with every opportunity to apply their newly learnt skills.

If you’d like some advice on any of these, do please get in touch – we’re always happy to help!