Dynamic management and leadership training - we change behaviours and measure the results so your investment is never wasted.
"Since the training, I have worked closely with a team member who was feeling undervalued - ‘just a number’ and ‘not human’. It now seems so simple but by sitting down with them, giving more feedback and generally increasing our levels of personal communication, they explained how they now felt more motivated, more welcome and have a real sense of drive to come to work."We’re delighted you’ve found us!
We know just how hard it is to find your ideal management training provider – it’s a crowded market and it can be tricky to distinguish one from another. To help you make a quick decision as to whether we’re right for you, please take a look below to find out more about what we DO and what we DON’T do:
We DO...
- Design and deliver blended programmes that get results
- Embrace the role of technology in creating innovative, highly flexible learning experiences
- Provide ongoing individual support for as long as it is needed
- Build positive habits that drive a proactive approach to management
- Actively involve participants and stakeholders at every stage
- Measure the impact of all our programmes
We DON'T...
- Run standalone workshops with no effective set-up or implementation plan
- Deliver anything without fully understanding a client’s objectives first
- Waste time in the training room with unnecessary ‘fillers’
- Work with people looking for a tick box solution
- Chalk & talk
- Waste other people’s money
Our latest thoughts
One easy way to help address high staff turnover
Whilst not exactly startling news, a recent Gallup survey indicated that 42% of employees who voluntarily left their organisation in the past year reported that their manager could have done something to prevent them from leaving their job. More interestingly however was that a lack of positive...
Don’t call them delegates!
From a training perspective, we’ve always disliked the word ‘delegate’ which evokes images of passive attendees, waiting silently for the next break. Given that, we’ve always preferred using the highly involved ‘participant’. Even more importantly, we now recognise that whilst participating in a...
Expert advice anyone?
I’m often asked for advice by newly established associate trainers which I still find slightly strange as even though I’ve been working at Phoenix for over 25 years, I don’t necessarily consider myself as an expert! Anyway, I thought it would be useful to share the four key things I always find...