eLearning – What we do and why we do it
We don’t provide standalone eLearning without either context or some learning transfer activities. All our eLearning is used wisely! It will form part of a blended experience that is integrated with the participant’s role, either as part of a group or as an individual. It’s used widely in our larger programmes as well as our smaller, targeted sessions.
It can be co-branded or re-created using your organisation’s placeholders and artwork too.
Click play on the videos below for a taster – the introduction to our latest ‘Delivering Effective Feedback’ & ‘Introduction to Coaching’ eLearning.
To understand more about how our virtual learning is integrated in to our programmes, contact us today and click here for details of our ACCESS Learning packages
Our latest blog posts
One easy way to help address high staff turnover
Whilst not exactly startling news, a recent Gallup survey indicated that 42% of employees who voluntarily left their organisation in the past year reported that their manager could have done something to prevent them from leaving their job. More interestingly however was that a lack of positive...
Don’t call them delegates!
From a training perspective, we’ve always disliked the word ‘delegate’ which evokes images of passive attendees, waiting silently for the next break. Given that, we’ve always preferred using the highly involved ‘participant’. Even more importantly, we now recognise that whilst participating in a...
Expert advice anyone?
I’m often asked for advice by newly established associate trainers which I still find slightly strange as even though I’ve been working at Phoenix for over 25 years, I don’t necessarily consider myself as an expert! Anyway, I thought it would be useful to share the four key things I always find...