
Some people love to see an agenda. If they are attending the course they want to know when a particular subject will be covered, how interesting it looks, when the breaks are and what time will it start and finish! Stakeholders want to see what is included on the course, will it be of value? Will it be relevant to the participants, does it match the brief?

We understand all of the above, however, we also believe that the basic agenda provides only a fraction of the information needed to decide whether the course will actually provide the results clients are hoping for. From the list of subjects covered and possibly the times at which they will take place, it is impossible to be sure that the participants will use any of what is being discussed. Longer, more detailed agendas can outline the sessions in great detail with activities planned to help the learning and clear opportunities to practice what has been learnt but whilst this does help, a vital factor is still missing.

We believe that our Programme Performance Maps overcome this by showing how the training will not only impact on individual performance but most importantly how it will help with the organisational goals. A well-designed map will:

* Provide participants and stakeholders with a clear understanding of what they will learn (Learning goals)

* Show how they will be able to use those newly learnt skills and techniques (Applications).

* Highlight what will actually happen if participants apply their learning (Outcomes)

* Demonstrate what the tangible impact of this learning will be (Organisational goals)