
Our latest thoughts & recommendations

Recommended Reading

Below are a just a few of the books we’ve enjoyed recently.  We’re always looking to deepen our knowledge so if you know of any other books you think we’d enjoy then please drop us a line – info@phoenix-training.co.uk

Drive written by Dan Pink

Brilliant book about what really motivates people.

Love + Work written by Marcus Buckingham

A fascinating book about the connection between our work and the elements within it that we love.  It helps managers and leaders create an environment within which team members feel motivated and connected.

Nine Lies About Work written by Marcus Buckingham

A great practical guide to the nine “biggest” lies that for years people have thought to be the truth about what individuals think and feel about the workplace.  This book will help the reader completely re-evaluate their approach to leadership and management.

Jerks at Work written by Tessa West

This book helps us recognise and understand the range of toxic individuals that are present in many organisations.  It offers practical guidance to understand and develop strategies to combat these types of people in the workplace.

The Making of a Manager written by Julie Zhuo

This is the best book I’ve read for someone making the transition from team member to team manager.  It’s full of really practical examples and help to guide the reader through this potentially challenging period.

The Fearless Organisation written by Amy Edmondson

A brilliant book full of practical ideas as to how to create a genuinely psychologically safe environment.  Written by Amy Edmondson, who has led so much of the recent research into the subject of psychological safety.

Seven and a half lessons about the brain written by Lisa Feldman Barrett

A cleverly written set of essential lessons that help us understand how we really think and behave.  It debunks faulty science and popular myths.

Behave written by Robert Sapolsky

THE book if you want to fully understand how and why humans behave the way we do.  It’s long and detailed but worth the effort.

The Answer is a Question by Laura & Dominic Ashley-Timms

Based around the acclaimed STAR Model, this highly accessible book encourages managers to ditch traditional command and control methods and adopt a coaching-related ‘enabler’ approach that cultivates problem-solving team members.

Cultures of Growth written by Mary C Murphy

An excellent book that shows how, by understanding the new science of mindset, we can transform individuals, teams and organisations.  A must read for managers and leaders.

Relevant Podcasts

Podcasts are good for learning, entertainment, personal growth, and connecting with communities, all while fitting seamlessly into busy lifestyles. Here are a few that we’ve listened to lately and would recommend.

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Call: +44 20 7234 0480 or

email: oliver@phoenix-training.co.uk