
Our new manager programmes equip participants with the confidence and skills to lead, inspire, and develop their teams. Packed with practical tools and techniques, they provide an ideal foundation for anyone moving into the role.

"Remembering what we explored, I have now adopted a much more direct approach with one of my team, providing clearer instructions rather than just letting him get on with it. He has responded extremely well, asking great questions and improving the quality of his work."

New Managers

It’s vital that your new or untrained managers, supervisors and team leaders are provided with some clear guidance and a practical skills base from which they can embrace their role with enthusiasm, confidence and skill.

Whether your focus is on overcoming the challenges of transitioning from team member to manager, handling ‘difficult’ conversations or building a more motivational team environment, all our programmes will be designed around your specific objectives and delivered in a highly engaging way that ensures immediate application.

And remember, all our participants get unlimited 121 support after working with us, providing them with guidance and advice whenever it is needed.

Click on the link to see an example of what a New Managers modular programme could include and if you’d prefer something shorter, do take a look at our ‘intensive’ one day workshop.

Contact us today on 020 7234 0480 or oliver@phoenix-training.co.uk to get a better idea of your options and the potential costs.

Contact us today!

Call: +44 20 7234 0480 or

email: info@phoenix-training.co.uk

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