
The high performance learning journey concept

The high performance learning journey concept – A unique approach

All our programmes involve the following 4 key stages based around the concept of (High Performance) Learning Journeys:

  • Commitment to the journey
  • Build a knowledge foundation
  • Develop and practice skills and techniques
  • Strengthen results

Commitment to the


Create a personal performance path

Interview an expert

Take part in a role-play

Teach someone else

Tailor a personal benefits list

Complete an E-Learning Module

Practice with a colleague and ask for feedback

Evaluate others and provide feedback

Interview someone who has taken part in a similar learning journey

Take a pre-test

Identify an opportunity to test your newly learned skills

Become a mentor

Set a personal performance improvement goal

Research the topic

Handle a challenge

Construct some learning materials for others to use

Complete self assessment

Pre reading

Keep a ÔÇ£progressÔÇØ journal

Write a blog or article about your development

Attend a programme kick off

Watch example of “good”

Present to senior team members how the development has impacted on results

Identify possible performance barriers

Commitment to the journey

Create a personal performance path

Tailor a personal benefits list

Interview someone who has taken part in a similar learning journey

Set a personal performance improvement goal

Complete self assessment

Attend a programme kick off

Identify possible performance barriers

Building a knowledge foundation

Interview an expert

Complete an E-Learning module

Take a pre-test

Research the topic

Pre reading

Watch examples of “good”

Practicing skills & techniques

Take part in a role-play

Practice with a colleague and ask for feedback

Identify an opportunity to test your newly learned skills

Handle a challenge

Keep a ÔÇ£progressÔÇØ journal

Strengthening Results

Teach someone else

Evaluate others and provide feedback

Become a mentor

Construct some learning materials for others to use

Write a blog or article about your development

Present to senior team members how the development has impacted on results